A weekend away, could suddenly become a weekend that turns to disaster.
Many nature lovers have found themselves in a rock and a hard place situation that has left them stranded and looking for help. This could happen anywhere, or in a place that doesn’t have mobile phone coverage.
So what would you do? A snake bite, broken leg, broken car and being lost. Is just to name a few disasters that could happen in Victorias native landscape.
Parks Victoria have approached the problem by installing Emergency Weather Tough Phones in a variety of remote areas, across Victoria. This along with the Emergency markers system (green signs with a unique alphanumeric number) have helped emergency service workers get to the required location more quickly.
The WeatherTough Emergency phones are a vandal resistant phone with an IP rating of 65. It’s made from pre cast aluminium, has a self closing spring hinge, vandal proof emergency red button and protected microphone speaker. It’s designed for tough conditions and are installed on roadsides and tunnels across Australia.